
More data can help train models to be more general, with less overfitting. One convenient way to generate additional data is simply to transform the given data into something slightly different, such that it still represents the assigned labels. As well as helping during training, augmentation can also be used when running inference (Test Time Augmentation or TTA).

For an image based challenge, flips, rotations, etc. can be used to generate a new image that still presents the same class of object as the original. But how do we do this for a NLP challenge?

There are a wide variety of approaches, from character and word substitutions, all the way to translating the text from the source lanaguage to another and then back to get a setence with (hopefully) the same meaning, but a different structure.

For more info, vad13irt has already posted a great survey here:

For this notebook, I want to focus on what the application of some of these methods actually looks like for the feedback-prize-2021 dataset. In particular, I'll be looking at methods that can be used while preserving the discourse_start and discourse_end annotations given in train.csv.

The nlpaug Package

I have chosen the nlpaug package, as it seems to have all I could want to experiement with. I could just have used 'pip install nlpaug', but I've installed it from a dataset to allow this notebook to run with internet turned off.

Documentation is available at:

!cp -r ../input/nlpaug-from-github/nlpaug-master ./
!pip install nlpaug-master/
!rm -r nlpaug-master

import nlpaug.augmenter.char as nac
import nlpaug.augmenter.word as naw
import nlpaug.augmenter.word.context_word_embs as nawcwe
import nlpaug.augmenter.word.word_embs as nawwe
import nlpaug.augmenter.word.spelling as naws
Processing ./nlpaug-master
  Preparing metadata ( ... - done
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.16.2 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from nlpaug==1.1.10) (1.19.5)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=1.2.0 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from nlpaug==1.1.10) (1.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.22.0 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from nlpaug==1.1.10) (2.25.1)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.3 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from pandas>=1.2.0->nlpaug==1.1.10) (2.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from pandas>=1.2.0->nlpaug==1.1.10) (2021.3)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests>=2.22.0->nlpaug==1.1.10) (1.26.7)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<5,>=3.0.2 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests>=2.22.0->nlpaug==1.1.10) (4.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests>=2.22.0->nlpaug==1.1.10) (2021.10.8)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from requests>=2.22.0->nlpaug==1.1.10) (2.10)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7.3->pandas>=1.2.0->nlpaug==1.1.10) (1.16.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: nlpaug
  Building wheel for nlpaug ( ... - \ | / done
  Created wheel for nlpaug: filename=nlpaug-1.1.10-py3-none-any.whl size=406197 sha256=2e3e9438ceff88d58b14cddcb350200dbc6f8f8bf31c3bea08ce515fbe9788ac
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/43/64/85/ce1afc6a0b63f139f70ea6945d5deebcebed4a875cb186adc8
Successfully built nlpaug
Installing collected packages: nlpaug
Successfully installed nlpaug-1.1.10
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:

First Attempt

Let's start by taking a arbitrarily selected training text and augmenting it. For this I've picked a very simple augmetation, KeyboardAug, that uses adjacency of keys on the keyboard to simulate typos. Alongside the original and annotated text, I'm printing the length of the text run through split() - if that changes the discourse_start and discourse_end annotations given in train.csv will no longer be valid.

from colorama import Fore
from pathlib import Path

# Set some seeds. We want randomness for real usage, but for this tutorial, determinism helps explain some examples.
import numpy as np
import random

base_path = Path("../input/feedback-prize-2021/train")

with open(base_path / "3FF2F530D590.txt") as f:
    sample =
print(f"Original: {len(sample)}\n{sample}")

aug = nac.KeyboardAug()
augmented_text = aug.augment(sample)
print(f"\nKeyboard augmentation: {len(augmented_text)}\n{augmented_text}")
Original: 1105
Dear Senator,

I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states.  So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart.

Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that.

Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible.

Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College.                    

Keyboard augmentation: 1088
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I Vee? that way is that it is harder for soJdoJe who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the s,apl states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do tteH have to win over the electoral votes rhDy have to win over the poularity vkteE. The next reason I have is the Electoral C),legW requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact RhXt a tie is posible. Another is that it ' s out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the 9artU ' s nominee and it ' s p0euble that trust can be betrayed, but that ' s rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College.

Not great, several issues are obvious:

  1. The length of the split text has changed as the original had additional white space for formatting.
  2. It is hard to see all the differences without highlighting.
  3. The augmentation adds digits and special characters, which are unlikely to have been present.
  4. The augmentation can change many characters in one word, making the new word too far from the original.
  5. The augmented text adds spaces around apostrophes, increasing the split length.

Let's solve these by:

  1. Stripping the original text.
  2. Adding a diff viewer to highlight the differences.
  3. Setting arguments to the augmentation method.
  4. Setting arguments to the augmentation method.
  5. Post-processing the augmented text with: replace(" ' ", "'")
sample = " ".join([x.strip() for x in sample.split()])
def print_and_highlight_diff(orig_text, new_texts):
    """ A simple diff viewer for augmented texts. """
    orig_split = orig_text.split()
    print(f"Original: {len(orig_split)}\n{orig_text}\n")
    for new_text in new_texts:
        print(f"Augmented: {len(new_text.split())}")
        for i, word in enumerate(new_text.split()):
            if i < len(orig_split) and word == orig_split[i]:
                print(word, end=" ")
                print(Fore.RED + word + Fore.RESET, end=" ")


Let's try again with no digits, no special characters and only one augmented character per word.

aug = nac.KeyboardAug(include_numeric=False, include_special_char=False, aug_char_max=1, aug_word_p=0.05)
augmented_texts = aug.augment(sample, n=3)
augmented_texts = [x.replace(" ' ", "'") for x in augmented_texts]
print_and_highlight_diff(sample, augmented_texts)
Original: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College.

Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win Fhey would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at lrast somewhat Zmart. Another one of my reasons for going on this siCe of the arguement is not only do they haDe to win over the eleStoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electorak College requides the people ruhning for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something lkke that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel rhat way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small statRs and some of the big ztates. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Anoyher one of my reasons for going on thiq side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularoty votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to Gote for the party's Bominee and it's posible that trust can be betGayed, but that's rare. fhat is what I think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel Rhat way is that it is harder for someoBe who is runnig for president to win. To win they would nRed to win ovwr the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes oCer somW of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is sNart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguwment is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west vecause Rhey were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 

That looks usable, but some of the misspellings are fairly severe.


It KeyboardAug creates typos that are too unnatural, let's try SpellingAug which uses a DB of common misspellings.

aug = naw.SpellingAug()
augmented_texts = aug.augment(sample, n=3)
augmented_texts = [x.replace(" ' ", "'") for x in augmented_texts]
print_and_highlight_diff(sample, augmented_texts)
Original: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College.

Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win overt the votes of most of the smol states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. To it would need someone who is smart onr at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for presidente they have appeal to all regions and not just the west becausy they were born there or something like that. Now them air a fews bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's oput dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in dth arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that its is harder for someone who is runnig for presidente to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some for the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Antoher one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires They people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because thei were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to voto for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rar. That is what I've think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of tha reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to wind over the votes f most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the waste because they were born there ora something like that. Now there are a few bad things about thye Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is't posible. Another is that lt's out dated. Lastly aech party picks a slate of electors to vote for the partay's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 

That looks usable.


Now SynonymAug, that replaces some words with synonyms.

aug = naw.SynonymAug()
augmented_texts = aug.augment(sample, n=3)
augmented_texts = [x.replace(" ' ", "'") for x in augmented_texts]
print_and_highlight_diff(sample, augmented_texts)
Original: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College.

Augmented: 209
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the ballot over some of the small states and some of the big res publica. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not just do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something comparable that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the company's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 211
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would involve to win over the votes of most of the small states. Oregon win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least more or less impertinent. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College require the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not scarce the west because they were born there beaver state something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one be the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 210
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the pocket size states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all region and not just the west because they were born there operating theater something like that. Now there are a few forged things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I cerebrate about the Electoral College. 

Oh dear, the synonym augmentation is not a 1-to-1 swap at the word level. E.g. small -> pocket size. Therefore this cannot be used while maintaining the discourse annotations.


Uses word embeddings to find a similar word for augmentation, used here with a local copy of the GloVe model.

aug = nawwe.WordEmbsAug(model_type='glove', model_path='../input/glove-embeddings/glove.6B.300d.txt')
augmented_texts = aug.augment(sample, n=3)
augmented_texts = [x.replace(" ' ", "'") for x in augmented_texts]
print_and_highlight_diff(sample, augmented_texts)
Original: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College.

Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for mubarak to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the bigger states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to games over the poularity incumbent. The next reason I have is final Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and otherwise just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are followed few bad things about the Electoral College. Like seen is the probably that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it'’s posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the that I feel that way is that it rather better for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the a states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is aleck or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for them on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to what regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is how it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party'/ nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I pretty about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone young is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So say would need someone who less smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on today side of the satruday is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there no mind like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote good way party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think only the Electoral College. 

Some interesting swaps there! For example mubarak == president only in a very specific place and time!


This is similar to WordEmbsAug, but uses more powerful contextual word embeddings. Here used with BERT.

aug = nawcwe.ContextualWordEmbsAug(model_path='../input/huggingface-bert-variants/bert-base-cased/bert-base-cased')
augmented_texts = aug.augment(sample, n=3)
augmented_texts = [x.replace(" ' ", "'") for x in augmented_texts]
print_and_highlight_diff(sample, augmented_texts)
Original: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Another is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College.

Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. Part of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for president so win. To win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small counties. Or win over the votes over some among the small states and some of the big states. So it would need loser who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another part of my reasons for going on this side onto the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have and win over the poularity votes. The next reason I think is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Which is that it's out dated. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, we favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is uncommon for someone who is runnig for president to win. To win they would need to win over the votes of each of the small states. So win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big families. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for deciding on this side of the arguement is not only do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The main reason I have why the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all regions and not just the west because they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact that a tie is posible. Other is that it's out front. Lastly each party picks a slate of electors to vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College. 
Augmented: 208
Dear Senator, I favor keeping the Electoral College in the arguement. One of the reasons I feel that way is that it is harder for someone who is runnig for them to win. By win they would need to win over the votes of most of the small states. Or win over the votes over some of the small states and some of the big states. So it would need someone who is smart or at least somewhat smart. Another one of my reasons for going on this side of the arguement is not just do they have to win over the electoral votes they have to win over the poularity votes. The next reason I have is the Electoral College requires the people running for president they have appeal to all races and not just the west so they were born there or something like that. Now there are a few bad things about the Electoral College. Like one is the fact when each tie is posible. Another is that that's out dated. Today each party picks a slate of electors that vote for the party's nominee and it's posible that trust can be betrayed, but that's rare. That is what I think about the Electoral College.